We listen to you!


We are over 350 volunteer trained listeners and support you with insecurities, self-doubt, loneliness, anger, helplessness, frustration, restlessness, excessive demands and everything that can burden a person.

We listen to all questions of life, free of charge and without judgement. Also in various foreign languages.

Do you have questions?

Then we have the answers.


SPEAKING TIME FOR YOU #virtualsupporttalks is a platform with over 350 listeners. As trained coaches, therapists and mental health experts, we volunteer our ears and listen to you. We are simply there, with all our senses and antennas, listening to your words as attentively as to the silence. Individually and together as a group, we send a signal of hope and support every day in both good and challenging times.

In March 2020, four practising coaches from Hamburg founded REDEZEIT FÜR DICH, a non-profit, society-oriented initiative that is free of charge for everyone. We pursue neither economic nor political or religious goals. All listeners at REDEZEIT listen regardless of the topic brought up, origin, background, identity, sexuality, religion or political views.

We work pro bono and do not earn any money with the initiative. However, we are happy to receive donations.


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Our transparency creates trust

In Germany, there are no uniform publication requirements for civil society organisations. Transparency helps us to make our work comprehensible to the public as well as to donors, thus strengthening trust and credibility. Here you can find information about REDEZEIT FÜR DICH gUG in accordance with the voluntary commitment of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative.

👉🏻 More information...

Why is mental health so important for us?

Mental stresses such as separation, grief, burnout or any kind of conflict can, if they last for a long time, cause massive damage to mental health. Not only does the mental stress alone limit the ability to act, but there is also the threat of psychological problems that can even lead to serious complaints with the potential to cause illness.

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We are partner of Action Alliance for Mental Health.

The Action Alliance for Mental Health is a nationwide initiative that was launched in 2006. In the meantime, more than 120 member organisations are involved, among them mainly self-help associations of those affected and relatives of people with mental illnesses. Numerous associations from the fields of psychiatry and health promotion are also involved and network for the common cause - the destigmatisation of mental illness.

You can find further information at www.seelischegesundheit.net.

Do you already know our Blog?

Here, many different experts write about their focus on mental health. Dive into helpful information and get important impulses for yourself 💚

Loneliness today: understanding, accepting and acting

Loneliness today: understanding, accepting and acting

Loneliness is one of the most significant social problems of our time, affecting people of all ages. How does loneliness manifest itself and what can you do about it?

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The ABC of emotions

The ABC of emotions

Emotions characterise our everyday lives, influence our decisions and shape our relationships. Here's a little ABC.

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Let's talk about emotional exhaustion

Let's talk about emotional exhaustion

In our modern society, which is characterised by a fast pace of life and high demands, the phenomenon of emotional exhaustion is increasingly becoming a challenge for many people.

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Weitere Telefonnummern und Anlaufstellen

Wir hören dir zu bei allen deinen Belastungen. So umfangreich unser Angebot ist, Zuhören ist kein Ersatz für eine Therapie oder ein professionelles Coaching. Brauchst du therapeutische Beratung, findest du hier weitere Anlaufstellen.

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We support the Mental Health Offensive.

This is carried out jointly by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

You can find more information on the website at http://www.offensive-psychische-gesundheit.de.

Your feedback for us!

In order to be able to support many people well in difficult times, we would be happy to receive your feedback on how your REDEZEIT FÜR DICH experience was. Send us your feedback anonymously.